✔︎ Two days of the conference
✔︎ 12 hours of presentations
✔︎ Virtual networking lobby access
✔︎ Profty Community access
✔︎ 1 month access for the content
✔︎ Two days of the conference
✔︎ 12 hours of presentations
✔︎ Virtual networking lobby access
✔︎ Profty Community access
✔︎ 6 months access for the content
✔︎ Book "Of Sound Mind" signed by the author Nina Kraus
✔︎ Book "What Do I Do With My Hands" signed by the author Rhonda Carlson
✔︎ Profty Original Hitsville Sweatshirt
✔︎ Two days of the conference
✔︎ 12 hours of presentations
✔︎ Virtual networking lobby access
✔︎ Profty Community access
✔︎ Forever access for the content
✔︎ Book "Of Sound Mind" signed by the author Nina Kraus
✔︎ Book "What Do I Do With My Hands" signed by the author Rhonda Carlson
✔︎ Profty Original Hitsville Sweatshirt
✔︎ 60 minutes private lesson with Master Teacher Greg Enriquez
✔︎ Two days of the conference
✔︎ 12 hours of presentations
✔︎ Virtual networking lobby access
✔︎ Profty Community access
✔︎ 1 month access for the content
✔︎ Two days of the conference
✔︎ 12 hours of presentations
✔︎ Virtual networking lobby access
✔︎ Profty Community access
✔︎ 6 months access for the content
✔︎ Book "Of Sound Mind" signed by the author Nina Kraus
✔︎ Book "What Do I Do With My Hands" signed by the author Rhonda Carlson
✔︎ Profty Original Hitsville Sweatshirt
✔︎ Two days of the conference
✔︎ 12 hours of presentations
✔︎ Virtual networking lobby access
✔︎ Profty Community access
✔︎ Forever access for the content
✔︎ Book "Of Sound Mind" signed by the author Nina Kraus
✔︎ Book "What Do I Do With My Hands" signed by the author Rhonda Carlson
✔︎ Profty Original Hitsville Sweatshirt
✔︎ 60 minutes private lesson with Master Teacher Greg Enriquez